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Myths exist from every period in human history and remain powerful even centuries after they are first told. But how much truth is there to myths, and can we separate fact from fiction
Each episode of the riveting series Myths: The Greatest Mysteries of Humanity examines these questions with the assistance of scientists and hobby researchers. Archaeologists uncover ancient gra...
Clouds of alien life forms are sweeping through outer space and infecting planets with life – it may not be as far-fetched as it sounds. The idea that life on Earth came from another planet has been around as a modern scientific theory since the 1960s when it was proposed by Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramasinghe. At the time they were ridiculed for their idea – known as pansper...
A gunshot rings out, and a young woman named Lucky finds herself washed up on the stony beach of Brighton, England. Waking on the shore, confused and afraid, she meets Jack - a kind-hearted fellow who tries to help her get back on her feet and doesn't ask too many questions. Initially paranoid and distrustful, she comes to see Jack as the harmless, somewhat bumbling guy that he...
「布偶奇遇记第一季」是由导演George Bloomfield,吉姆·亨森导演,在1983年在加拿大上映的喜剧。演员表中包括杰拉德·帕克斯,史蒂夫·惠特迈尔,大卫·戈尔兹,Terry Angus,Jerry Nelson,卡任·普瑞尔等人。影视宝典上已经连续播放了93475次的「布偶奇遇记第一季」,成为了该网站的一项特色节目。
Doc and his dog Sprocket have a hole in their wall, behind which live little furry creatures known as Fraggles in a place called Fraggle Rock. The Rock is also home to the Doozers (who are knee-high to a Fraggle) and the Gorgs (who are giants that think they rule the Rock). One gang of Fraggles (Gobo, Mokey, Wembley, Boober, and Red), under the guidance of the all-knowing Trash...
Inspired by reading a book about the Kon-Tiki expedition, Martin Clunes embarks on an epic ocean-wide adventure in search of the real Pacific. He begins in French Polynesia and ends in the Galapagos Islands.
In this charming collection of tales, the curious Kipper explores the attic, goes fishing with Tiger, finds a magical umbrella, takes a trip to the seaside, receives a visitor in the night and more.
酸浴杀手免费流畅是在2002年在英国上映的剧情,是由导演哈利·布拉德比尔指导的。这部电影聚集了马丁·克鲁勒斯,凯莉·霍威,理查德·霍普,西莉亚·伊姆里,Rowena Cooper等众多演员,使得影片更具吸引力。94915次的播放让酸浴杀手免费流畅在影视宝典上继续展现出其受欢迎的特质。
Dramatisation of the true story of the notorious "acid bath murderer" John Haigh, who murdered women and disposed of their bodies in vats of acid in the 1940's. He was only caught when the gallstones of one of his victims, Mrs Durand-Deacon, failed to dissolve in the acid and were detected by the pathologist who examined the residue from the acid bath.
With Elaine away with her boyfriend, Martin finds himself with a new receptionist in the form of her cousin, Pauline who arrives unannounced. He assists his aunt Joan by examining her friend, Muriel Steele. Her son, Danny Steele thinks she is displaying early signs of dementia and wants to put her in a home. Martin's initial examination reveals her to be perfectly normal but he...